The best full movies in the public domain, free for all to stream. All the movies are in the public domain, free to view and to own. Classic movies in all genres.
All types of movies: Action movies, Adult movies, Comedy, Drama, Film Noir, Horror Movies, Musicals, Propaganda, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Westerns and other classic movies in the public domain, free to watch on your mobile phone.
Film Genres and movies you can find in the app:
Action movies:
- Captain America, 1944 (serial) chapter 1: The Purple Death
- Adventures of Captain Marvel, 1941 (serial) Chapter 1: Curse of the Scorpion
- Dick Tracy, 1937 (serial) chapter 1: The Spider Strikes
- Tarzan of the Apes (1918 film)
- Zorro Rides Again, 1937 (serial) Chapter 1: Death from the Sky
- Robin Hood (1922 film), starring Douglas Fairbanks
- Jungle Book,1942 film
- The Big Wheel (film), starring Mickey Rooney
Adult films:
- She Shoulda Said No!, 1949 exploitation film
- The Violent Years, 1956
Comedy films:
- The Nut, 1921 starring Douglas Fairbanks
- The Gold Rush, 1925 by Charlie Chaplin
- His Girl Friday, 1940 directed by Howard Hawks
- Steamboat Bill, Jr., 1928 with Buster Keaton
- West of Hot Dog, starring Stan Laurel
- Abbott and Costello’s Africa Screams
- The Three Stooges: Brideless Groom
- The General – Buster Keaton (1926 film)
- Frank Capra’s Meet John Doe
- Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
- Charlie Chaplin: Making a Living
Drama movies:
- Tom Sawyer, 1917 film starring Jack Pickford
- Oliver Twist (1922 film), featuring Lon Chaney
- Sherlock Holmes (1922 film)
- Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid (1921 film), one of the greatest films of the silent era
- Of Human Bondage (1934), with Bette Davis
Fantasy films:
- Snow White, 1916 film
- Cinderella 1914 film starring Mary Pickford
- Alice in Wonderland (1915 film)
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)
Film & Animation:
- From the Manger to the Cross, 1912, the story of Jesus’ life
- Gullivers Travels (1939)
Film Noir movies:
- The Amazing Mr. X [Full Movie]
- D.O.A. (1949)
- The Stranger (1946), Orson Wells directs Edward G. Robinson
Horror movies:
- Frankenstein (1910 film)
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920 film)
- The Terror (1963 film), with Boris Karloff and Jack Nicholson
- The Phantom of the Opera (1925 film)
- The Little Shop Of Horrors
- Night of the Living Dead (1968)
- Delightfully Dangerous, 1945
- Road To Bali (1952), starring Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour
- Till The Clouds Roll by (1946), with Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra
Romantic movies:
- The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954), starring Elizabeth Taylor
- Algiers (1938), with Charles Boyer
- Love Affair (1939 film)
Sci-Fi movies:
- Prisoners of the Lost Universe, 1983
- Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (serial), chapter 1: The Purple Death
- The Lost World (1925 film)
- Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) – “worst movie ever made”, starring Bela Lugosi
- Teenagers From Outer Space
Thriller movies:
- Dressed to Kill, 1946 starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes
- Charade (1963), Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn
- The Fast and the Furious, 1955
- Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942)
Western films:
- The Virginian 1914, by Cecil B. DeMille
- The Last of the Mohicans (1920)
- The Lone Ranger (serial)
- The Outlaw (1943), by Howard Hughes and starring Jane Russell
- The Lucky Texan (1934), with John Wayne
- Santa Fe Trail (1940) – Ronald Reagan, Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland
Filem penuh terbaik dalam domain awam, percuma untuk semua untuk aliran. Semua filem berada dalam domain awam, untuk melihat dan memiliki. Filem klasik dalam semua genre.
Semua jenis filem: filem aksi Filem Dewasa, Comedy, Drama, Filem Noir, Seram Filem, Muzikal, Propaganda, Sci-Fi, Ngeri, Westerns dan filem klasik lain dalam domain awam, untuk menonton pada telefon mudah alih anda.
Genre filem dan filem yang anda boleh mencari dalam apl:
Filem aksi:
- Kapten Amerika, 1944 (siri) Bab 1: Kematian Purple
- Adventures of Captain Marvel, 1941 (siri) Bab 1: laknat daripada Scorpion
- Dick Tracy, 1937 (siri) Bab 1: Mogok Spider
- Tarzan daripada beruk (1918 filem)
- Zorro Rides Again 1937 (siri) Bab 1: Kematian dari Sky
- Robin Hood (1922 filem), yang dibintangi oleh Douglas Fairbanks
- Jungle Book, 1942 filem
- The Wheel Big (filem), yang dibintangi oleh Mickey Rooney
filem dewasa:
- Dia Shoulda Said No !, filem 1949 eksploitasi
- Tahun-tahun Violent, 1956
filem komedi:
- The Nut, 1921 dibintangi Douglas Fairbanks
- The Gold Rush, 1925 oleh Charlie Chaplin
- Girl Nya Jumaat 1940 diarahkan oleh Howard Hawks
- Steamboat Bill, Jr., 1928 dengan Buster Keaton
- Barat Hot Dog, yang dibintangi oleh Stan Laurel
- Abbott dan Costello-kanak Afrika Menjerit
- The Three Stooges: Brideless Groom
- Ketua - Buster Keaton (1926 filem)
- Frank Capra Bertemu John Doe
- Santa Claus menakluk Marikh
- Charlie Chaplin: Membuat Kehidupan
Filem Drama:
- Tom Sawyer, 1917 filem dibintangi Jack Pickford
- Oliver Twist (1922 filem), menampilkan Lon Chaney
- Sherlock Holmes (1922 filem)
- Charlie Chaplin The Kid (1921 filem), salah satu filem yang paling besar era senyap
- Sudah Bondage Manusia (1934), dengan Bette Davis
filem fantasi:
- Snow White, 1916 filem
- Cinderella 1914 filem dibintangi Mary Pickford
- Alice in Wonderland (1915 filem)
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 filem)
Film & Animation:
- Dari Manger kepada Palang, 1912, kisah kehidupan Yesus
- Travels Gullivers (1939)
Filem filem Noir:
- The Amazing Mr X [Movie Penuh]
- D.O.A. (1949)
- The Stranger (1946), Orson Wells mengarahkan Edward G. Robinson
Filem seram:
- Frankenstein (1910 filem)
- Dr Jekyll dan Encik Hyde (1920 filem)
- The Keganasan (1963 filem), dengan Boris Karloff dan Jack Nicholson
- The Phantom of Opera (1925 filem)
- The Little Shop Of Horrors
- Malam Mati Hidup (1968)
- Tertarik dengan Berbahaya, 1945
- Road To Bali (1952), yang dibintangi oleh Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour
- Till The Awan Roll oleh (1946), dengan Judy Garland dan Frank Sinatra
filem romantis:
- The Last Time Aku Melihat Paris (1954), yang dibintangi oleh Elizabeth Taylor
- Algiers (1938), dengan Charles Boyer
- Love Affair (1939 filem)
Filem Sci-Fi:
- Prisoners of Lost Universe, 1983
- Flash Gordon menakluk alam semesta (siri), bab 1: Kematian Purple
- The Lost World (1925 filem)
- Pelan 9 dari Angkasa Lepas (1959) - "filem yang paling teruk yang pernah dibuat", yang dibintangi Bela Lugosi
- Remaja Dari Angkasa Lepas
Filem seram:
- Berpakaian untuk Bunuh, 1946 dibintangi Basil Rathbone sebagai Sherlock Holmes
- Charade (1963), Cary Grant dan Audrey Hepburn
- The Fast dan Furious, 1955
- Sherlock Holmes dan Senjata Rahsia (1942)
filem barat:
- The Virginian 1914, oleh Cecil B. DeMille
- The Last of the Mohicans (1920)
- The Lone Ranger (bersiri)
- The Outlaw (1943), dengan Howard Hughes dan dibintangi oleh Jane Russell
- The Lucky Texan (1934), dengan John Wayne
- Santa Fe Trail (1940) - Ronald Reagan, Errol Flynn dan Olivia de Havilland